We pride ourselves on offering our families quality, evidence based care. Your care with us is an opportunity to build a relationship, and to educate you on the process of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We aim to provide you with a positive birth experience.
Our prenatal care includes:
Initial visit – 28 weeks : monthly appointments
28 weeks – 36 weeks: bi-weekly appointments
36 weeks – birth of baby: weekly appointments
During the duration of your care you can expect things such as:
Medical and pregnancy history
Risk assessment
Lab work required by the state of Florida, as well as any others that may be indicated
Blood pressure monitoring
Fetal heart tones and positioning of baby
24-hour access to our midwife through our on call answering service and e-mail
Childbirth education
Sacred circle care
Sonogram referrals
Consulting physicians
Professional referrals to cater to your pregnancy needs such as: Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture, Doulas, Lactation Consultants, and beyond.
For information:
Palms Birth House offers customized care for every clients budget and needs. Our practice takes a limited number of clients each month. This ensures that each family has the full attention of our team.