Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta Encapsulation & Tincture

Placenta encapsulation is the consumption of a mother’s own placenta in capsule form. Placental tinctures are concentrated liquid extract made from the placenta which can be added to water or tea. Consumption of the placenta is a centuries old practice and is for the purpose of improving the mothers mood, hormones, and energy during the 4th Trimester.

The placenta is prepared with the utmost respect and health standards. We provide your capsules with written instructions and will walk you through it when the encapsulation is delivered.

  • Placenta Encapsulation: $350.00 includes pick up* and encapsulation. Approximately 3 day processing time.

  • Placental Tincture: $75.00 includes pickup* and encapsulation. Approximately 6 week processing time.

*Distance greater than 25 miles from Palms Birth House subject to delivery/pickup fee. Alternatively, pickup at Palms Birth House in Boynton Beach free of charge.